Saturday, 18 March 2017

Scribing 36 - Passionate Wednesdays

The sun hit's the leaves from an angle
I can't see the sun
So they give audience to something invisible
Captivated, giving their direction
As much as a tree can give

I want to use facefuck
I want to be the most popular man in the world
With lots to say and do
And a million likes to see, and comments to reply
Every time I look at my screen
Every five minutes

My neck is less tense than before
I've got to love people
I can't go on hating people or holding grudges
I want to love them

Say what you need to politely without anger
it's easy
Not always is everything so clear
Give people the benefit of the doubt
Even people I might be convinced are rocking the boat with the intention of rocking that boat

Boats are boats and they rock
But yes the analogy is not complete because we can do what we like
We can also live in a world where peace and contentity exist and there are no boats, no ocean, and no rocking
And it's not an invitation for a hater to call it boring
It just is what it is

Here I am at the desk of some home that some individuals are starting a community within
Watching plants is like watching people
We all slightly change and grow

So much raw food out there today
So much waste retrieved to be used again
There is no limit to what we can do together

Many of us need healing
Time loops to come around and around
I don't want to feel pain any longer than I have to

Trust people more
Love people more
Open up to them
Be more kind

Love yourself
And through this, learn to love others.

We all want what we want
We all do what we do

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