Every person that has experienced trauma in their life has a blank space in their being
This blank space is a reverberation chamber of pure sound
To realise this blank space for what it is and to purify it is a work for life
It can be utilised
But without purification can be clouded by conditionings of the body
Tendencies toward anger, frustration or worry
A chamber in the mind that can be filled with anything
A strong sense of identity must be learned on the part of the person that remains
So as to control the chamber and its uses
Otherwise every foul spirit that hops along will be given a home in this chamber
And every word and action and deed that comes along with that
We all share this chamber
Some of us have a larger capacity than others
The greater the trauma, the greater the recovery necessary
(few make it from great trauma through to recovery to function well at all)
and the greater the ability to unify within and as entity
To clear out the conditioning of the trauma
The fear, the hate, the lies, the worry
Should be the first aim
Because without these cleared the chamber is a volatile weapon used against the temple that is wielding
A dark rot from within
That changes according to the company
But after purification
All manner of information can be accessed and utilised
Because entity, as a language, is all encompassing and includes all beings that have ever existed and will ever exist
Entity thrives on emotion
And the negative polarity is the first experienced
Some of us make pacts with lower entities
Friends with benefits
These entities are allowed control and use of the body for short times
But the aim of the entity is always the same
Take full control, no matter the pact
Use what time within the body to convince the host that full possession is in the favor of all parties involved.
Take out good, bad, god, devil, angels, demons
Just look at ether, look at ultimate potential, look at it as quantum particles floating through space
What exists in the chamber is the fire
What holds the fire can be burned
The balance is the hardest to keep
In this we all share the same rotten egg
The last person with the hot potato wins the prize
To be the goat blood sacrifice
The truth is not what most want to hear
And this capacity, in the realms of magic in worlds and ages past has certainly given us abilities and advantages
But a time is coming when all these forces will be weeded out
Because awareness is ensued
As a whole we are all becoming more aware and as this happens,
Those that grasp hold of the old ways will die along with it
And the few self defeating truth patriots that seeded and activated this change
Will have to find an escape from this reality
Our essence has been bound in this way for too long to change this quickly
To be in a place where you cannot be who and what you are
Where no belonging exists and nothing can be called home
And to live there forever
This is the lake of fire.
We love our addiction to this energy too much to give it up
So we help collapse the system that supports it by exposing the mechanics of ourself
Making the ultimate sacrifice
Most unwillingly
But what choice do we have
To those that see ahead,
There is no future for us
There is only death
The chamber of the winds of chaos, and the chaos must be controlled with a strong identity
Without the strong identity that chaos takes the wheel
And this can lead to any consequence for the bearer
Mind you, anything is possible in this chaos
And the chaos is Source
It is a mistake to assume great trauma means great holiness
The bigger the trauma the greater the capacity for evil as well as good
The lie that lies beneath is always the one we find out last
Great trauma means great deception
Great trauma means greater responsibility of a larger uncontrollable room dedicated for the habitation of chaos
Really consider the implications
We all made this choice long ago
Every life, one life
Power was the motivating factor
Power in this life, is different to power in another
Through trauma and the imprinting of chaos in the form of entity
All power can be had
The most powerful entities that ever lived
The seething search for power and desire to control is the motivating factor for desiring such a space in the soul dedicated to the ability to house chaos.
Anyone that performs inequality through super human ability in whatever form
Even in an intellectual capacity, should be watched with a keen eye
Don't not accept the help of these chambers
Just know, one thing
Ye shall know them by their fruits = actions
Most often possessees need a teacher
A guru, a leader
A reference point
The smart ones will stick to a reference point in order to more easily control their chamber of chaos
Because through direction from another they can receive instant and constant affirmation of who and what they are
Easing the hard role of living and creating a strong identity to control what goes in and out of this chamber
The hierarchy of spirit, create the conflict on this earth through accessing humans who have experienced trauma, inhabiting their chambers of chaos.
Enough is enough.
Let the truth be known.
Let humanity grow into its eternal future
Let the world that was before that seeks control of this one
Let go
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