Everything sits and hums
The food cooler, it hums
The coffee maker, it sounds a constant noise
The cars drone past
Every space is a sum total of the resonant frequencies
The atom a frequency
The sounds frequency
The light frequency
Up and down, on and off
Buzz buzz buzz
Gonna give myself a buzz cut
Need to get rid of some hair
Too much hair makes me look hairy
The perception machine is specific
The public have very definite boxes to put me in
Depending on the choice of hair style
The choice of buzz cut even
The choice of length I leave rights at the end
The choice of facial hair
Kempt or unkempt
Smile and power forward
Rewrite the conditionings
Reprogram programming
Recognize the unconsciousness of the mass
And just work with it
Follow the rules
to human behaviour in large groups
There are rules, unconscious direction, constant rules
What is appropriate then
The latest hairstyle by the latest hip hop bomper?
Pop pop pop stars
Popping then they're dead, used up, like empty bullet casings
lifeless shells of dead dead corpses
We all want an easy life
Strive to be the grey man
The unnoticed piece
Then be common in everything that you do
And get away with most
No outstanding characteristics
Just plain, plain enough to be invisible to the unconscious group
Language is adequate
But we aren't all on the same page
Why was oneness ever separated from itself
Why did we ever deem it necessary to separate like this?
Kinder surprise
Your own personal interdimensional TV stardom (or equivalent)
All the 5th'ers are watching your every move
Hoping for some form of unpredicted entertainment
Will he do what has never been done before?
Will he break free of the chains of his conditioning and fly free in the face of the fear of death?
Most think not.
Most know not.
But most know, there is always a single possibility
So most hope
But most also are hopeless
Because they have lost so much time and energy in the 'hope' of something different
It is inevitable that change will come
Because a single possibility must be played out at some point in time
So the timed reality goes on
Until the expected does the unexpected
And no one knows what that will be
Until it is done
The jokes on you dear 3D scum.
The high class of interdimension
has been using you as entertainment for aeons.
Every move is monitored
Every step is chained to routine
The familiar conditions on your behaviour and survival you've known all your time
Get the popcorn. Let's drink to more of the same.
Gander specific.
Lots of love.
Everyone dies in the end
Life begins at death
Sanity has a place
But the group definition of sanity
is demeaning
Every insane persona has a truth stuck deep down within
In a precious hidden treasure box
Dark cave
Guarded by a fiery dragon
Who can be trusted with this truth?
How many live a double life
Knowing they are 'insane'
But choose deliberately to impose a 'sane' personality for the sake of social smoothness get-a-long
When can we all be 'insane' together
And not be told we are wrong or judged
The group mind is a dangerous thing
When the danger comes from without
The group mind searches for meaning
And it generally rediscovers something old and familiar
Because robots don't do anything other than what they have been told
Robots are programmed and deep unconscious programming that bubbles to the surface
Posing as spontaneity
Excuse the yelling.
Just a point worth shouting into the heavens I thought.
This elaborate soul machine
Visions in the night that give inventors inspiration
Nothing is new.
Everything is bought
Nothing is free
All has an exchange
Energy is a form of currency
The deepest level of the web is oneness
Everyone knows this
Everyone has this innate understanding of it
But we are afraid of it
Because we don't wish to return to it
Separation from oneness has been heralded as the answer to boredom
How can what is one with itself be bored with itself if it is not observing itself separately?
Well, in truth, separation began at the inception of boredom
Who told oneness to be bored?
But what if oneness is a seed of yet another all encompassing dimension?
Something our oneness based minds cannot fathom.
Oneness then is thought
it is mind
It is word
It is space/time
Outside, over, beyond, within and as, through and through, between the between the between the between and all encompassing yet not homogeneous, we have the mother of oneness
Let's call it
Repetition is the master of learning says the correct sales pitcher
Seeds are repetitions of a single universe in a little package ready to go
Each is a oneness
The tree that begets oneness is...
not available for questioning at this time
Please try again later.
If you'd like to leave a message,
Please wait for the beep, then record your message and simply hang up.
Oneness seed begeter will get back to you as soon as you give up your 3D identity which encases you in a crystal matrix, restricting you from accessing transcendental information
One says its all your choice
Two says its all been decided already
Three says everything is unpredictable and changing and yet probabalistic
Four says, get off your high horse and start begging for truth
The tree cannot be demanded its truth
The service to the tree is all that is left.
One cannot think beyond the tree until the tree is known.
Know your tree.
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