Saturday, 4 February 2017

Scribing 16 - The end of innocence

As if it had a place to begin with
The saving of innocence
The culturing
The protection
The preservation
The maintenance

Keeping it what it is without change
Because it's what we all require
Even the Gods that need a blood sacrifice every now and then to keep them on the rhythm
They need innocence too

If everything were known
And nothing was kept secret
Innocence would not exist

The money system of our fathers
The deplorable depths we deep to
Look at what we've become
We don't parade the pain in front of our faces

This wouldn't be suitable for royalty

In ignorance
We fight for 'free rights'
And love and all that stuff

Not seeing what we have done by our participation
We were not given a choice we say
Were we not?

Somewhere along the line
We chose this
Either tacitly or willfully
It was chosen

And the mechanism that we exist within required blood
The currency of the spirit world is blood

It has never changed, It has always been this way
Just it has never been this dishonest
So detached from the crimes our system creates

As each belief system bows to a separate god
A separate blood dependent whore

Each one is like this and no different

How do we change?
How does change exist?

It doesn't unless you want to pull apart the physical
Because the Gods hold together this world
And the blood feeds the gods

Take away all the blood and make innocence the only thing that exists
And you cause the collapse of the 'real world'

Who wants to die?

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