Saturday, 25 February 2017

Scribing 31 - The truth about possession and channeling

Every person that has experienced trauma in their life has a blank space in their being
This blank space is a reverberation chamber of pure sound
To realise this blank space for what it is and to purify it is a work for life

It can be utilised
But without purification can be clouded by conditionings of the body
Tendencies toward anger, frustration or worry

A chamber in the mind that can be filled with anything

A strong sense of identity must be learned on the part of the person that remains
So as to control the chamber and its uses

Otherwise every foul spirit that hops along will be given a home in this chamber

And every word and action and deed that comes along with that

We all share this chamber
Some of us have a larger capacity than others
The greater the trauma, the greater the recovery necessary
(few make it from great trauma through to recovery to function well at all)
and the greater the ability to unify within and as entity

To clear out the conditioning of  the trauma
The fear, the hate, the lies, the worry
Should be the first aim
Because without these cleared the chamber is a volatile weapon used against the temple that is wielding

A dark rot from within
That changes according to the company

But after purification
All manner of information can be accessed and utilised
Because entity, as a language, is all encompassing and includes all beings that have ever existed and will ever exist

Entity thrives on  emotion
And the negative polarity is the first  experienced

Some of us make pacts with lower entities
Friends with benefits

These entities are allowed control and use of the body for short times

But the aim of the entity is always the same
Take full control, no matter the pact
Use what time within the body to convince the host that full possession is in the favor of all parties involved.

Take out good, bad, god, devil, angels, demons
Just look at ether, look at ultimate potential, look at it as quantum particles floating through space

What exists in the chamber is the fire
What holds the fire can be burned

The balance is the hardest to keep

In this we all share the same rotten egg
The last person with the hot potato wins the prize
To be the goat blood sacrifice

The truth is not what most want to hear
And this capacity, in the realms of magic in worlds and ages past has certainly given us abilities and advantages
But a time is coming when all these forces will be weeded out

Because awareness is ensued
As a whole we are all becoming more aware and as this happens,
Those that grasp hold of the old ways will die along with it

And the few self defeating truth patriots that seeded and activated this change
Will have to find an escape from this reality
Our essence has been bound in this way for too long to change this quickly

To be in a place where you cannot be who and what you are
Where no belonging exists and nothing can be called home
And to live there forever

This is the lake of fire.

We love our addiction to this energy too much to give it up
So we help collapse the system that supports it by exposing the mechanics of ourself
Making the ultimate sacrifice

Most unwillingly
But what choice do we have

To those that see ahead,
There is no future for us
There is only death

The chamber of the winds of chaos, and the chaos must be controlled with a strong identity
Without the strong identity that chaos takes the wheel
And this can lead to any consequence for the bearer

Mind you, anything is possible in this chaos
And the chaos is Source

It is a mistake to assume great trauma means great holiness
The bigger the trauma the greater the capacity for evil as well as good
The lie that lies beneath is always the one we find out last

Great trauma means great deception
Great trauma means greater responsibility of a larger uncontrollable room dedicated for the habitation of chaos
Really consider the implications

We all made this choice long ago
Every life, one life
Power was the motivating factor
Power in this life, is different to power in another

Through trauma and the imprinting of chaos in the form of entity
All power can be had
The most powerful entities that ever lived

The seething search for power and desire to control is the motivating factor for desiring such a space in the soul dedicated to the ability to house chaos.

Anyone that performs inequality through super human ability in whatever form
Even in an intellectual capacity, should be watched with a keen eye

Don't not accept the help of these chambers

Just know, one thing
Ye shall know them by their fruits = actions

Most often possessees need a teacher
A guru, a leader
A reference point

The smart ones will stick to a reference point in order to more easily control their chamber of chaos
Because through direction from another they can receive instant and constant affirmation of who and what they are
Easing the hard role of living and creating a strong identity to control what goes in and out of this chamber

The hierarchy of spirit, create the conflict on this earth through accessing humans who have experienced trauma, inhabiting their chambers of chaos.

Enough is enough.

Let the truth be known.
Let humanity grow into its eternal future
Let the world that was before that seeks control of this one
Let go

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Scribing 30 - The True Meaning of Independence

Psychic Vampirism
Entities tagging along with bodies
Attached, most are unaware
Taking what is not theirs from those around them

I use what you don't know you have
The man said like this once
When more than one comes in contact with another
It's war

What is independence
Emotional independence
Spiritual independence
Physical independence

Being able to walk away
When you can give no reason at all
Because what is happening is in your gut
And to explain it is to expose the feeder deep within them or you

The feeder doesn't like being exposed
If you want to get attacked
Expose this feeder

Friends with benefits
Some claim they are with these soul parasites willingly
Like I myself at times
I don't fully understand it

What I do understand is this entity working through numerous bodies at once
Inciting conflict to feed on the emotion drawn

When I am alone
I can see the conflict
I can see the beginning and the end
But I am knee deep in my own field of dreams

When others attempt to beset me with their robbery of energies
I put up walls
I block them out
I create constructs of the mind to keep their energy suckage to a minimal
If I absolutely have to maintain a presence around this person
Like living in the same house
I focus on my breath

Some are just intermittent temporary feeder puppets for particular habits and times
Not having yet made it a full time affair

Most do it subconsciously
That's the hardest thing
Most are unaware of what they are doing

The angel and the demon hold the same spot in the matrix
Different polarities that's all
The polarities change and flip according to the disposition of the person
and their guide is an ever ascending angel or an always falling dark thing

The most spiritual as such, are the most deceptive
Without knowledge of the unseen
We are on our own

Acknowledging its existence fluffs its fur
It loves to be told that it exists, it's a form of attention, it feeds it
It doesn't enjoy being exposed specifically and to its specific host, this causes the attack

How to truly rat out the sucking, feeding thing?

Exposing it just creates a time loop when one will eventually have to do the following -

Ignore it, like it isn't there
It will do all in its power to be noticed, to create a trigger, a reaction
And the willing human puppet will do all this without awareness of its actions
Because the human is following one thing within
The energy trail/train

The feeder's human puppet has trained itself to believe that ALL energy acquisition is good
The human allows unconditional usage of the body for this point of reference
The better the union between the two, the feeder and the human
The greater the ability for the human to manipulate and cause triggers to generate emotion in the other person

Creating a reaction from a human, is knowing its triggers
Inter-dimensional entities know your triggers
Trust me, They can see everything in the moment, here
It's about doing the right thing at exactly the right time

And the human perpetrating it, just following the energy train in their heads
Completely oblivious to the energy sucking feeding path they have taken

How to usurp this pattern?

As an established energy vampire that understands the relationship between his body and entity

Feed the entity deliberately through an innocent method

Then it will not try and feed off everything around you, including your friends and family
When it is starving for attention

For example
Become a musician that plays music on the street
Whose job it is to get people's attention
Get their energy, get your fix

Then when you return to your normal life
There is not this desparate hungry parasite constantly abusively sucking and feeding on the closest thing it can find
Regardless of how much value you may place in another person, family or otherwise
The hungry entity will find a way through you to feed from your immediate company if it needs feeding
It respects no one

It will degrade you, The more you become aware of it
And the more you become like it, it wants you to sympathise with it
So you will do what it wants all the more willingly

Sure you'll have moments of holiness in high vibration.... but it's a lie in the longterm

How did you get into this trap?

A deal was made long ago, with your soul and theirs
And now you have to live it through, in the experience of time

How can you get out?

Focus on breath and learn the subtleties of what it is you are already doing
Slow patience and discipline, become aware of every behaviour of your own
So as to deny the feeding when the feeding is calling to be fed the most


Give it what it wants deliberately
Play the game it wants you to play
Right to the end, there's a plan, a purpose, a path locked in its feeding

It may just end with your death

The role in the greater story of consciousness is true
Because the feeder knows that the greatest feeding comes from the source
And the source will only supply to its willing servants
Because energy from the source is only given to those walking the path of the divine will

Become an active part of this will, this calling through the ages
Play a role
And the energy locked in that path
Through the reservoirs of time
Is yours.

Is this the life you purchased?

Every great actor and talent, politician and leader has a feeder above it, sucking the energy from those around it
We as humans don't need so much energy otherwise

This feeder will take the form of an angel when we are in the positive
And a demon when we are in the negative

It's all the same

It's an elaborate game

It never ends

And there's no escape.

Play well.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Scribing 29 - The Realisation of other forces at work

How long has this inter-dimensional game of thrones been going on for?
The clouds look sullen today
The big net predicted rain
Even made a note of announcing it on my feed
As if to say
Ha ha, ha ha, ha, ha... ha

But the ground is dry
Apparently blood is the language of the spirits
The spirits, sounds like such a hocus pocus spooky thing
It is not
God is a spirit
Devil is a spirit
Jesus is a spirit
The thought of the toilet paper I used to rub my arse last night has the makings of a spirit


Drinking to oblivion
Strong things
Strong drink

Spirits to drive the human machine
Motionless entropy
Simple rot

I don't dream any longer
I just dream alternative endings and episodes of TV series I viewed the day prior
Humourous this life has become

I go to all this effort to get in a body
To 'achieve a purpose'
To perform some of the many great 'acts of man' necessary for this portion of the age
In order to willingly participate in the game
Pay back some spiritual debt

To the great reserve bank in the sky

And also have a good time.

I suppose.... Once I wished that I could live in a dream my whole life
This little child, feeling and knowing oppression in his waking life
Found the escape of movies and video games so much more attractive

And now the world offers this
If you want to live in a dream your whole life
You can!

Do what you want!
That is the whole of the law

They seem always negative
This word seems always negative

Consequences are inevitable with every course of action
Walk into willingly
What you bargained for before
You've already purchased this experience with your time and your life

And you've come away relatively unscathed

The mass of delusions you were trapped in before, limited your consciousness
You saw this
You tried to escape
You tried to reveal their secrets

But they killed you

And you were given another chance in another body
Because once you are part of the fold,
You can never fold

That's how their law goes anyway

Spiritual sovereignty
Well it's a nice dream but is it real?

How many years did I live before?
3 hundred, four?
But quite a few more than a normal human life

Blood sacrifice kept us all alive
that and allegiance to the old gods

We've given up so much to live like this

Life after life, this little nickering in the soul
Questioning, always questioning
Is this what I ordered when I was at the great banquet feast of souls in the sky?
Is this what I saw in the picture and decided, "yes, give me this"?

How much do we retain from life to life?
And if we retain nothing... what what what?
What is the point?
There must always be a building, a growing

That seems to be the going word.

Build, build, build - where will you go?
Higher, higher, higher? - Where will you go?
Or dig, dig, dig - Some like to stoop

Stooping or climbing
Either either, it's always moving to some greater level somewhere in some place

The 'moment preacher', says many things and one of them is this
All life and purpose is here.
In this moment, and through focusing on the literal physical action of breathing
It can be accessed.

This all encompassing moment that supersedes time.

Wandering in the garden of chaos
Looking for order
Wandering in the garden of war
Looking for peace

Wandering in the fields of order
Looking for the garden of chaos
Wandering the fields of serenity
Looking for the ultimate conflict

An ultimate ending

If nothing can truly be ended
All form and life and matter eternal

Then the ultimate rebellion against this form
Would be to conceive an end to everything

Would it, if well enough devised, really end all things?
Or would it just complicate the process of doing what is already being done

Black coffee on an empty stomach.
Someone get me an orange please.

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Scribing 28 - Without change there would be nothing worth living for

Without change there would be nothing worth living for
I've got my apple cider vinegar water
I've got my black coffee
I've got my routine in the morning

I love routine
I love discipline
But for say
20 or 30 days at a time

Then change

The pan crackles to life
The slow heating element creeps up on the unsuspecting breakfast cooker
I promise never to take anything for granted
I promise

Greenery in the window
Sitting elegantly
Nothing of it boasts discipline or care
But it still loves us, the plants they love us

The healing happens while it grows
Green the colour of life
To another world, going slowly
Everything will change back to the way it was before it changes indefinitely again

Things will heat up
The smell of the butter meets the nostrils
So many lives will be lost
A level of cut off from emotion must be learned by every survivor quickly
So much will go

But we must focus on our immediate situation
In the moment we can do what we can do
And not another time before or after

When you realise what you've done...
Says the cuttlefish

Ominous words from an insane man
And I believed him once
Though belief was outlawed in his 'country'
Instead you had to be and only be

I've learned from many sources
My most quoted to my most trusted
Is the insane

The insane have the answers
That's why they can't keep them in
The answers themselves
Seek to bring down this reality as it is

Like a pack of cards
A murder of lies
Gar gar gar-ing
The crows know

A different flavour today m'lord?
The illusion of change
So many things are the same
Just different flavours

Delicate deceptions
Pull the wool from the eyes
How many lives have been lived in this context
Just different colours, different ways, different flavours, different sustenance

A universe with unicorns, fairy floss trees and candy cane fields
Everything is the same
Nothing has changed
Nothing has ever changed

But the greatest constant according to some insane teachers IS change
Change itself never changes
Ever been on an acid trip?
Everything is changing
But everything is also always the same

The paradox of time
Time is illusive

Currently something that doesn't change is that
when grit comes to grit
Survival of the body, of the spirit, of the mind
The reality of survival, is the only real reality

Everything else can fade away like a passing cloud

In a time of great change

Trust survival.
What will I do to survive?
The christians are running around like chickens with their heads chopped off because
They are clambouring for the survival of their spirit
They are afraid that others will die in spirit
They are convinced that their great vehicle of ascension
Is the ONLY great vehicle of ascension
To take us all across the river, the great rift of time
Onwards and into the next great cycle.

I have a boat.
I've got a little boat.
Jump on mine for a short while.
I can probably only take 5 or 6 but lets train others to build their boats
And build our boat better

Every boat together joined as one
To weather the great storm of the apocalypse into and onto the next great age of Aquarius.

At least those are the bastard words used to describe this situation
what we are falling into,
coming into

Sincerity is power
The ability to wield sincerity truly is power
The age of cynicism, the age of the skeptic
Has done much to damage our heritage

Every time we mock
We mock everything
Every time we scorn another
We scorn the world

Repetition is the master of learning
Remember that.

Saturday, 18 February 2017

Scribing 27 - The Jokes on You

Everything sits and hums
The food cooler, it hums
The coffee maker, it sounds a constant noise
The cars drone past

Every space is a sum total of the resonant frequencies
The atom a frequency
The sounds frequency
The light frequency

Up and down, on and off
Buzz buzz buzz
Gonna give myself a buzz cut
Need to get rid of some hair

Too much hair makes me look hairy
The perception machine is specific
The public have very definite boxes to put me in
Depending on the choice of hair style

The choice of buzz cut even
The choice of length I leave rights at the end
The choice of facial hair
Kempt or unkempt

Smile and power forward
Rewrite the conditionings
Reprogram programming
Recognize the unconsciousness of the mass

And just work with it
Follow the rules
to human behaviour in large groups
There are rules, unconscious direction, constant rules

What is appropriate then
The latest hairstyle by the latest hip hop bomper?
Pop pop pop stars
Popping then they're dead, used up, like empty bullet casings
lifeless shells of dead dead corpses

We all want an easy life

Strive to be the grey man
The unnoticed piece
Then be common in everything that you do
And get away with most
No outstanding characteristics
Just plain, plain enough to be invisible to the unconscious group

Language is adequate
But we aren't all on the same page
Why was oneness ever separated from itself
Why did we ever deem it necessary to separate like this?

Kinder surprise
Your own personal interdimensional TV stardom (or equivalent)
All the 5th'ers are watching your every move
Hoping for some form of unpredicted entertainment

Will he do what has never been done before?
Will he break free of the chains of his conditioning and fly free in the face of the fear of death?

Most think not.
Most know not.

But most know, there is always a single possibility

So most hope

But most also are hopeless
Because they have lost so much time and energy in the 'hope' of something different

It is inevitable that change will come
Because a single possibility must be played out at some point in time

So the timed reality goes on
Until the expected does the unexpected
And no one knows what that will be

Until it is done

The jokes on you dear 3D scum.

The high class of interdimension
has been using you as entertainment for aeons.

Every move is monitored
Every step is chained to routine
The familiar conditions on your behaviour and survival you've known all your time

Get the popcorn. Let's drink to more of the same.

Gander specific.
Lots of love.
Everyone dies in the end
Life begins at death

Sanity has a place
But the group definition of sanity
is demeaning

Every insane persona has a truth stuck deep down within
In a precious hidden treasure box
Dark cave
Guarded by a fiery dragon

Who can be trusted with this truth?

How many live a double life
Knowing they are 'insane'
But choose deliberately to impose a 'sane' personality for the sake of social smoothness get-a-long

When can we all be 'insane' together
And not be told we are wrong or judged

The group mind is a dangerous thing
When the danger comes from without
The group mind searches for meaning
And it generally rediscovers something old and familiar

Because robots don't do anything other than what they have been told
Robots are programmed and deep unconscious programming that bubbles to the surface
Posing as spontaneity

Excuse the yelling.
Just a point worth shouting into the heavens I thought.
This elaborate soul machine
Visions in the night that give inventors inspiration

Nothing is new.

Everything is bought
Nothing is free
All has an exchange
Energy is a form of currency

The deepest level of the web is oneness
Everyone knows this
Everyone has this innate understanding of it
But we are afraid of it

Because we don't wish to return to it
Separation from oneness has been heralded as the answer to boredom
How can what is one with itself be bored with itself if it is not observing itself separately?
Well, in truth, separation began at the inception of boredom

Who told oneness to be bored?

But what if oneness is a seed of yet another all encompassing dimension?

Something our oneness based minds cannot fathom.
Oneness then is thought
it is mind
It is word
It is space/time

Outside, over, beyond, within and as, through and through, between the between the between the between and all encompassing yet not homogeneous, we have the mother of oneness

Let's call it


Repetition is the master of learning says the correct sales pitcher
Seeds are repetitions of a single universe in a little package ready to go

Each is a oneness
The tree that begets oneness is...

not available for questioning at this time
Please try again later.

If you'd like to leave a message,
Please wait for the beep, then record your message and simply hang up.

Oneness seed begeter will get back to you as soon as you give up your 3D identity which encases you in a crystal matrix, restricting you from accessing transcendental information

One says its all your choice
Two says its all been decided already
Three says everything is unpredictable and changing and yet probabalistic
Four says, get off your high horse and start begging for truth
The tree cannot be demanded its truth

The service to the tree is all that is left.

One cannot think beyond the tree until the tree is known.

Know your tree.

Friday, 17 February 2017

Scribing 26 - Sunshine Emergency

Out comes the sun to say hello
Amidst a white haze
The works on the road blare on
Unwanted theta waves to wake my sleep

Frying some sweet potato
Making an omelete
You can't make an omelette
Without breaking those eggs

So much brutality trained into society
Through television, media, socially acceptable levels of fake visible violence
The sinus issues I've been having
Every website says a different thing

Nose for knowledge?
Repression? Anger?
Lack of self acceptance?
Or self love?

I just heal the damn thing
This muck is getting old
Not until I'm really switched on
Can I discipline myself to change

My love leads me in this direction
My love leads me in that direction
My love is an addiction to a heightened level of essence
My love is the thing I had once before but deny it to me now

Is it really that close to bang time
The end of all worlds
The compaction point
A time when choice cannot be choosing?

Peace, peace, and then sudden destruction
Nothing is as it seems
Even reading between the lines
I can only interpret strains of paranoid belief

So I sit, and breath
Occasionally, remember to breathe at least
Because every other avenue is a delusion
And I'm willing to find that out now

The times when you don't feel like it
Are the times when you need it most
The moral mind buts in,
Just because it feels good, does not mean it is good for you

How much of our lives is based on chasing good feelings?
Almost every aspect
Principle maintained is truly virtuous
Discipline is truly the science of consciousness

Nothing is left
Only love
And if the self cannot be loved
Then how can the expectation be to love others

This experiment, of feeling
Must be put to an end
Things are getting serious
It's time to stop playing and get serious

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Scribing 25 - Dreaming of a perfect reunion

The electrical brain boots up for the first time of the morning
The light streams in the window
A hedge cutter can be heard in the distance
Someone is making something pretty

The mad mind demands an audience
The mad hatter deep within
Seated on a throne of intelligence
Using it like a crippled fool

The wonderful drawn out tones of a violin
The emotion it pulls
Its lengths of chasm so resplendent
In their repetitive glory

The deep dark depths are feared
But I have known its path
I see an end and it's only chaos
Chaos is nothing to be feared

Tangible mess
Every little piece with a secret intent inside
All matter devolving, revolving outward from itself
In hope of a more solid form

Consciousness a trickle to our alarm
The beat goes off blaring
Raelian alien wanderers seek a sex party of sorts
Entertain the cultists with cheese and bread

Satisfied desire, lost inside a dark hole
We all still go on in searching
Then when we get too close we cower in fear
No one wants to be left alone in the dark and the cold

The heart is the home
The warmth comes from within
The light is the mind
The truth is the wind

Honesty is not always something we want, or need
But to those that seek it in copious measure
Are given talents the earth has envy
Your heart is mine, and my heart is yours

We are one, but equal
Do not forget equality
Do not forget equality

Oneness is had in the dark
In pain

Equality is had in as dank a place also

But together we make light.
Together we find a way
For the blind not to be blind
So the fear can be lead out of us

Our hearts, we hope in such admiration of the night, are pure
The night is dark and full of terrors
Programming for the masses
Such a grand plan over

The last frontier of life
Of dimensional interference
To continue without awareness of what we are
To forget everything we ever knew so we can start again

Forget, learn to forget
Let it go, let the old knowledge go
New age, new time, another chance
Remember one thing though,
What were you doing before you decided to play this game of ages?

Do that.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Scribing 24 - Unknown to Known

The darkness produces light
Given enough of a timeline
A dark void over time
Has potential to produce light

Out of every dark specter
Comes a nickel of truth
The light we all subsist upon
Good and bad, batter or sinner

No one is immune from the need for light
All that we know is a product of light
All intentions, all wars, all kingdoms
Are founded on light

Every side needs light
The white light system
Is it like a federal reserve bank?
Funding both sides
Reaping the benefits of ultimately owning everything

Then we ask, or could ask
Is there an alternative?
An alternative to light?
Something that isn't the darkness again

On a long enough timeline does the darkness create something that is not light
And not darkness
But completely different
Then the law of twos would be the law of threes

Light, dark and something else
Something the light dares not speak
It's domination over everything threatened
Dark has the monopoly then and not light
Because darkness produce both the light and the something else

So each to their own kingdoms to which they are only aware
But the darkness sees everything
And not just fake darkness that is still dependent on light
But real darkness

Chaos is the god we worship and nothing else.

Then the question for the hopeful remains
Over a long enough timeline of the reign of light
Will something emerge that is not dependent on light or dark or something else
Something hopeful
Ever so hopeful

In a chaos ruled universe
And chaos doesn't need to rule, at that
The hopeful go on being hopeful
And the realistic experiment with the different forms of darkness

The ritualistic experiment with shades of grey that can't be seen as an absence of light
or dark

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Scribing 23 - The silent creeping sound of moving on

Tap. Tap. Tap.
The floor rattles and vibrates
The coffee machine hisses
The radiator makes a click

Cars wander by, which
through the convoluted air pathway to get to my ears
the sound makes like ocean waves
A nice way to green wash road traffic

Again I arise
Early enough to see the dew
I've given up on whinging to myself of how little sleep I got
Sometimes I think clearer with less sleep

Goose bumps trickle up my arms
And the cold grabs my fingers
I rub my hands together to feel exactly how much warmth remains

Routine is the product of principle
Principle is something unnatural to the human I believe
It takes conscious effort to maintain
We retain discipline when it is held

Values, valor, past regrets
The edge of the darkness in the back of the head
Creeps in for a visit
Hi, it says, remember me? I'm still here

Sitting in the formless void
Amidst this fleshy fat
The me sits in the squiggle of tissue
That is a brain
And breathes

Bitter coffee
Slightly sweet
Not much sleep last night
Woe, poor darling

Today my mission involves
Traveling into the local town
Playing music to the sky
Earning a small amount of money for doing so

Then buying a few things

Today my list
Possibly some vegetables of some description
Anything else I need to be mindful of?

The sun has peeked out its head for a moment
How I miss the sun
I love the winter cycles
I think they are appropriate for my disposition

A period of reclusivity
And a period of play

We get what we pay for
Even if we get a lot of love for very cheap

The payment of forms is always balanced
Unconditional love, creates chaos
Innocence breeds on chaos

We need chaos

Monday, 13 February 2017

Scribing 22 - The obvious things in front of me

The focus of the moment
Drawn into introspection
But the sun shines for a short moment
Between the clouds on a winter's day

A monday for normal people
A working day, the first of 5
The amount of energy enticed to
Do something most abhor

Focus on the positive says the sales positive speaker
Focus on reality, focus on honesty, says the me
Be real, if you don't like something
Don't do it

But I have kids,
I have this wife
I have these commitments
I must do what I am told or never get what I want

What a strange way of looking at things

Put everyone on the streets
Equal, learning from each other
No money, just working together
It would all work and we would quickly find a way

But only if we all do it together, at once in one moment

Unlikely, but possible

The cloud of sleeplessness demands attention
The light pours in through the blinds
The aloe vera looks happy today
All 8 or so of them, sitting on the sill

Willing to go it alone when and if necessary
How quickly we throw out the trash
Things we are finished with
Off they go.

Recognizing people as recurrent eternities
And not disposable trash
Could be a good start

Many dream of the lives they'd be living
If only this or that

But satisfaction is within every moment
The more we perceive we have changed
The greater the deception
Nothing changes ever

But everything is always changing ever
Ever be the real that seeks to destroy
Ever between within and as everything

Change is the illusion

Stasis is the key
Just accept everything as it is
Then watch it change
Nothing changes from not changing

A constantly changeless changing state

Blow the horn again
The mud has found a way into the hole, again
So many dreams inside
So much bullshit to divulge

Will you stop trying to change and just be still?

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Scribing 21 - Au Bout du Monde

The man walks sullenly up the hill
Hoping for a change of heart
To come frivolously climbing
Like a pestering vine
From his balls to his brain

I don't know
How many people will go
To the ends necessary

We're all in the same boat here

In the end
It doesn't matter
End of will
End of an age

People flying
Like pink pigs
Death so close, but no one knows
How to die

Could this be any more morbid?

Sadly, the jaded man
Knew all the truth

Walk with me and  listen, he says
The shit-stirrer walks among us
Wishing to stir some shit

We all have shit to stir
The stirrer knows how and will

Suck it up
Little boy
Be a man
Withhold those tears

Watching death, so repetetively
on the tv screen
Shows me morbid fantasies of another realm

I like them, he says
I abhor them, I says
I am split, I knows,
He knows

Sands in the hour glass
So are the days of our lies

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Scribing 20 - In this name we trust

Catastrophe of biblical proportions
Who would know
The little mole bopping his head out for a peek

Another slice of cheese please
Cheese got me out of bed this morning
Coffee normally does it but cheese definitely this morning

Why is the group so obsessed with a saviour
What condition on survival has been placed on us
Through our education
That we all need constant saving

A world created by ideas
Ideas repeated until they become reality
Perception folds reality around conditioning
Conditioning protects us from seeing anything else

Protection from what
Another conditioning
We need protecting

Fear, fear is another conditioning
We need fear to be protected
Without something to fear there would be no need for protection
Even so remove the dark entity lurking underneath the bed
And if fear still remains

Well fear on its own will create what it fears through projection

Unless we know our reality as something we've known before
We fear it
Familiarity is always attached to an ideal of painlessness

But when what is familiar causes pain
And cycles repeat in order to repeat that pain
Just because it is familiar
There is definitely a problem with this picture

Focus on happy thoughts.
Fluffy white clouds on chariots of sugary cake will rescue you
Never fear, your ideal saviour has come
It is here for you
Your fantasy from fear

A need for being saved by fearing a fantasy which creates a fantasy

What a mind fuck.

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Scribing 19 - Pandemonium

Little me, lost in a little game
This is the essence!
This is the meaning!
The meaning is a dream and I must take it and have it to its fullest extent, now!

Ok, it's over
Or alternatively an old enemy looks over my shoulder and mocks
"This isn't meaning"
"This isn't essence"
"You're a fool"

Wanting to prove the man wrong just because of what he is
I go on a 20 year time loop trip around the galaxy and back looking for reasons of why I am correct
Not completely certain of the veracity of my truth
I come back, old and wise
I didn't find what I was looking for
Because I in my ignorance could not see in the beginning that this was not real
I was so sure of my spite that I ran with it

But a fool further I would be to ignore what I learned on the way
The false path taught me many things
And now here I am
Back at the beginning again
Clear as crystal everything seems

As long as I stay out of emotional reaction

This power, this energy, deep inside
So many have told me not to use it
Or tempted me to utilise its frequency
"What if you could use that energy?" Said an Aikido teacher, staring directly in the direction of my belly.
"What if you never used your power?" Said a wise cult leader now dead, hailing from southern Africa.

Life has been repetitions of this, over and over
Teachers I find within people for short spurts
Like an entity takes over their willing body dedicated to service
For but a short time
Just to say a sentence and then back inside themselves again this thing goes,
This thing that does not speak because it doesn't need to
Except in times of absolute necessity

The moral of the story is,
Trust yourself
Stop listening to everyone's opinion on a life that you have the highest authority over
Because you are the being living this life, not they

So look up,
Keep breathing
Keep writing
Keep reading
Keep musicking
Love yourself
The world is full of possibility


Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Scribing 18 - 19,000 Pounds

If everyone was worth their weight in gold
Maybe then the gold standard would be true
We love who we are when we have worth
We cope when we are without

If multiple lives are true then this one is for waiting
A life of waiting
A life of sitting it out
Hoping for some change that isn't artificial

Hoping that every move I make is not as a pawn I was designed to become

Hope is all we've got

Some of the greatest teachers are quite adamant that hope is well....

Belief is untrue
And reality is real

Without who are are as the actuality of being
Nothing exists

This smoke we throw around
False thoughts and false beliefs and systems of 'get-up-an'-go'
So much pit to fall through
A black nothing beneath

Nothing to stop the fall but the self
And the self cannot be guaranteed
One must first conceptualise a ledge a reference from which one is falling
When one has done this, one must notice the speed of the descent

Then one must make something to slow the fall,
then one must grab hold of the ledge and make that infinite climb upwards
Perilous to most
And even this level of achievement seems out of reach

We create our own fall
We repeat patterns of the past, eternally set in
When do we stop being what we are
When do we do something that is different

So much false reality to sift through
So many entities offering this prize or that

Something we have, they want
And it won't be spoken
So play the entity
Be the devil for a while

Try to discover what is desirable within the self
That the overseers want so much
As a battery for their opportunities

An infinite universe
Based on a psycho-reality game
For the purpose of enslaving life

To lock us into 'freedom'
So that we choose not to dominate what we cannot see
Because we cannot see what is valuable in this equation
And so we choose to stop seeing

And we see instead.

Monday, 6 February 2017

Scribing 17 - Opposites Attract

Belief locks us into dreams
Belief creates dogmas
Information is not stored in the brain
Maybe in the muscles, maybe in the cells on a quantum level
But not in the brain locally and specifically

We live in fields
Fields of dreams
Flowers beyond what the eyes can see
Limitless oceans of negative light
Bended one upon the other

Nothing is without
All it within
And here it is for the picking

Saturday, 4 February 2017

Scribing 16 - The end of innocence

As if it had a place to begin with
The saving of innocence
The culturing
The protection
The preservation
The maintenance

Keeping it what it is without change
Because it's what we all require
Even the Gods that need a blood sacrifice every now and then to keep them on the rhythm
They need innocence too

If everything were known
And nothing was kept secret
Innocence would not exist

The money system of our fathers
The deplorable depths we deep to
Look at what we've become
We don't parade the pain in front of our faces

This wouldn't be suitable for royalty

In ignorance
We fight for 'free rights'
And love and all that stuff

Not seeing what we have done by our participation
We were not given a choice we say
Were we not?

Somewhere along the line
We chose this
Either tacitly or willfully
It was chosen

And the mechanism that we exist within required blood
The currency of the spirit world is blood

It has never changed, It has always been this way
Just it has never been this dishonest
So detached from the crimes our system creates

As each belief system bows to a separate god
A separate blood dependent whore

Each one is like this and no different

How do we change?
How does change exist?

It doesn't unless you want to pull apart the physical
Because the Gods hold together this world
And the blood feeds the gods

Take away all the blood and make innocence the only thing that exists
And you cause the collapse of the 'real world'

Who wants to die?

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Scribing 15 - Reincarnation

All death
One death
All life
One life

Every mis-take
Every lesson
One lesson, one reality
One discourse with the God
One selective vision

The man from the big deep hole that sucks
Comes out and tempts with firey delights
I am this man
I am God
I am everthing

And in this
There is no ego
Because nothing else exists
And ego requires a comparison

So you wanted to be God
You wanted to see what it was like
Are you ready to take responsibility of God's mistakes?
Are you ready to learn the lessons God learns?
Are you capable?

Have you bitten off more than you can chew?
How many times have you tried to pursue this course?
How long will you do this until you stop trying to be what you are not?
How can change exist when free will is an illusion?

How many people live within this paradox of time and space?
Are we all like this?

Changing the picture
Change the channel
Here's a different time line
Here's a different enemy
Here's a different friend and advisor
Here's a different life
Here's a different struggle
Here's a different world for you to explore and inhabit

But is it really so different from the last
And if it is not, then what is the point

There is no point, stop looking for a point
Just point to the journey and live the path as one with time
Tied into all moments of everything as one
Unified as a concert of expression
Nothing is left without
All is inclusive

Package for the man deciding to be God
Can't throw away your purchase now
Everything has been set in motion

Apparently there is no escape from fate
And what do we want from fate?
We want a reason to live forever because everything here, thus far
Has failed this one thing

If just a reason existed, then it would exist
Because desire is reality manifest instantly
Time is the illusion
But finding that reason
Outside of self-interest
Isn't something that can be found
It is either existent or not
And if it doesn't exist
Stop searching

Because everything is already here as one
And the act of searching is the acknowledgement reality isn't what it is
And that's just not possible

So stop searching and if you haven't got it now
Stop breathing
I suppose that's it

You want it?
It's all here right now, in one moment, ever present

This was a good shit, I should write while I'm on the toilet more often...