Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Scribing 56 - Doldrum Burdalurm Bunga

Houses need people
Houses need life

The sunset was so splendid this morning
The plants sit and wait for the rise to reach their leaves
Unconditional empathy
The curse that can be a blessing

The cloud that sits above the eyes
Breathing, get that energy moving
Sometimes things are better left unspoken
The intellectual mind cannot be given a place in this future

The listening public wants someone shy and timid
This is the capacity for their ability to receive
Where will you go from here?

The footsteps rattle the floor
The floor boards crack and tackle as the heavy body shifts from one room to the other

Soon we'll all be together forever again
A shower will be in order
A change of clothes, a washing of all things cloth in my bag
A new sowing kit to bring broken things back into workingness

Standard recollection
Transmission feed interrupted
Heavy eyebrow, keep breathing

No wrong, no right
Wandering flicking, frizzing, branches of the weeping peppermint

We only have what we need and then we are off
Fame and fortune are not to be had this life
These are spectres of the imagination
Ghosts of time

Who wants to be a ghost in time
When time is a prison

We live forever by working together
We die in hell by isolation

Get that balance
It sounds quite simple

The man that cannot sit and wait for the right time to do things
Is the man that cannot sit and wait for the right time to do things

Punchy proverb expected here
Apparition master
Sexy man

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