If I don't respect your magic
You won't respect mine
How can I expect you to respect my magic
If I won't respect yours?
We need agreeance in order to move forward
We need organisation in concert
This may mean compromise
But we must do it
How long will we travel defiant?
Alone, all one, just being what we are?
How long will it take to get sick of what we are?
Never you say, never
But I've had enough,
I want to explore the possibilities of sharing
The exponential growth
I know politics gets in the way of such a dream
But fuck dreams, lets just try it and see
I require your energy of agreeance and focus and attention
Just as you require mine
We must come together under the same intention
We must trust each other that that is what we are always working towards
We must put under the nether the idea that we are always working for ourselves
We must relinquish the fear of being found out
Of being left out in the cold after giving all our secrets
We must try, just for trying's sake
Because things are getting desperate
sounds a bit scary to me!